

Composition and Structure of Atmosphere; Insolation, Heat Budget of Earth, Temperature, Pressure and Winds, Atmospheric Circulation (air-masses, fronts and upper air circulation, cyclones and anticyclones (tropical and temperate), Climatic Classification of Koppen & Thornthwaite, ENSO Events (El Nino, La Nina and Southern Oscillations), Meteorological Hazards and Disasters (Cyclones, Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, Hailstorms, Heat and Cold waves Drought and Cloudburst , Glacial Lake Outburst (GLOF), Climate Change: Evidences and Causes of Climatic Change in the past, Human impact on Global Climate.

Climatology is the study of climate and how it changes over time. This science helps people better understand the atmospheric conditions that cause weather patterns and temperature changes over time.

Mock Test

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Created by Nabarun Academy
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11. which atmospheric layer contains lons and helps in wireless communication

2 / 20

20. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): The eastern coast of India is affected by tropical cyclones more than the western coast.

Reason (R): Tropical cyclone originates only in the Bay of Bengal.

In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct?

3 / 20

19. Winter rainfall in North-Western part of India is mainly due to

4 / 20

18. In which type of climate equiplanation process i.e., reduction of relief to a plain takes place?

5 / 20

17. Which one of the following regions does not receive much rainfall during the South-West monsoon season?

6 / 20

16. A tropical cyclone was located 500 kms. South-West of Visakhapatnam. The cyclone first moved 250 kms in North-West direction and then suddenly changed the direction to the North-East. Which of the following ports would raise the highest danger signal?

7 / 20

15. The atmosphere gets heated by which one of the following?

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14. Cold dry wind experienced particularly in winter along the eastern coast of Atlantic Ocean and in Northern Italy is called

9 / 20

13. Mediterranean climate is characterized by

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12. As per the Koppen’s scheme the Bhwh type of climate is found in

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10. Which atmospheric gas filters out most of the ultraviolet radiation in sunlight?

12 / 20

9. Which one of the following best describes surfaces air circulation in a Northern Hemisphere anticyclone?

13 / 20

8. Which type of front has the steepest slope?

14 / 20

7. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

15 / 20

6. Which one of the following used ‘Precipitation effectiveness’ and ‘Thermal efficiency’ as the basis of world’s climatic classification?

16 / 20

5. Which of the following pairs of countries receive maximum insolation?

17 / 20

4. Solid material passes directly into vapour state by means of

18 / 20

3. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?

1. Cwa and hot summers, dry winters.

2. Cwb and hot dry summers.

3. Csb and warm dry summers.

4. Cfb and warm summers

Select the correct answer.

19 / 20

2. Match the List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using codes given below:

List – I                                    List - II

(Local Winds)                         (Countries)

(1) Loo                                    (i) West Africa

(2) Samun                                (ii) Former Yugoslavia

(3) Harmattan                          (iii) Pakistan

(4) Bora                                   (iv) Iran


(1)        (2)        (3)        (4)

20 / 20

1. Certain substances are classified as water pollutants, others as air pollutants and still others as land pollutants. Which one of the following pollutes are three parts of our environment?

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