Geographic Thought

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Created by Nabarun Academy
Best Geography Coaching Centre in Kolkata

Geographic Thought

1 / 20

20.Who out of the following was the first teleologist (believe in God Creation)

2 / 20

19. Who was the strong supporter of the idea that all history must be treated geographically and all geography must be treated historically

3 / 20

18. The orthographic and stenographic projections were designed by

4 / 20

17. Who was the first geographer to divide the circle into 360 degrees?

5 / 20

16. The Golden Period of Greek was between

6 / 20

15. Who is known as Father of Geography?

7 / 20

14.  The Babylonian instrument Gnomon was first time used by

8 / 20

13. Named the first geographer prepared a world map to scale

9 / 20

12. The term geography was coined by –

10 / 20

11. Who among the following developed the cognitive map?

11 / 20

10. Who believed, the earth is a flat disc and Jerusalem is at centre of the earth

12 / 20

9. Who gave the concept of Terra Incognita (Unknown World)?

13 / 20

8. All people of the world are brothers and should be treated as brothers. This statement was made by

14 / 20

7. Who out of the following said geography is an empirical science?

15 / 20

6.Who was the first to declare geography as a chorological science?

16 / 20

5.Who is considered as Father of Regional Geography?

17 / 20

4.The circumference of the Earth was measured accurately by

18 / 20

3.Named the first scholar who divided the world landmass into three continents

19 / 20

2.Who are recognized as the founder of mathematical geography?

20 / 20

1. Who was the first geographer draw a standard Meridian Map?

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The average score is 49%


0 votes, 0 avg
Created by Nabarun Academy
Best Geography Coaching Centre in Kolkata

Thought Mock Test

1 / 100

1) The statistical methods for the study of distribution and pattern of settlement is known as

2 / 100

2) Spatial organization was studied in human geography during the

3 / 100

3) For the study of a big and scattered village which method is useful

4 / 100

4) Spatial pattern includes

5 / 100

5) When was the concept of 'aerial differential ' proposed?

6 / 100

6) Who proposed the theory of aerial differentiation?

7 / 100

7) For the socio- economic study of small village which method is useful?

8 / 100

8) ' Nature does not drive man along a particular road, but it offers a number of opportunities from among which man is free to select '. This statement is related with :

9 / 100

9) 'The easiest of the possibilities in the most probablc'. This statement is related with :

10 / 100

10) 'There are not necessities, but every where possibilities is not judge of their use '. Who said this statement?

11 / 100

11) The concept of possibilism is the best example for urban areas while the rural environment follows the concept of environmental determinism.

12 / 100

12) "Man has advanced one more stage in this adjustment to the limits laid down by nature ". Who said this?

13 / 100

13) Who among the following is not a supporter of environmental determinism?

14 / 100

14) 'Reaction of man and land are  mutual. This is evidenly ture'. Who wrote this statement?

15 / 100

15) Who laid the foundation of the school of possibilism?

16 / 100

16) The concept of probabilism was suggested by :

17 / 100

17) Stop and go determinism was postulated by :

18 / 100

18) Who were credited to say that the earth is a flat dise and jerusalem is not the ccntrc of the earth?

19 / 100

19) "Man is born free but everywhere he is in chain ". Who said this?

20 / 100

20) Geography as the field of advance study first appeared in Germany in 1874.

21 / 100

21) Which of the following is not the work of mark Jefferson?

22 / 100

22) Griffith Taylor got strong opposition in Australia for his work :

23 / 100

23) Who started the study of urban geography in America?

24 / 100

24) 'A hundred years of geography ' was written by freeman.

25 / 100

25) Who gave the regional development concept?

26 / 100

26) Development of population geography in India took place in which of the following universities?

27 / 100

27) Who is considered as the founder of plant geography?

28 / 100

28) Who were the two prominent grograohers who died at the time of postulation of darwin's theory of origin and evolution of species '.

29 / 100

29) They were the contemporary of each other and died together. One was the advocate of systematic geography and the other was credited laying down the foundation of regional geography. The statement was given to

30 / 100

30) Who laid the foundation of modern geographic thought?

31 / 100

31) Who laid the foundation of modern classical period in geography?

32 / 100

32) Which of the following in the work of griffith Taylor?

33 / 100

33) Who wrote the famous essay ' scope and aim of human geography' ?

34 / 100

34) The famous book ' new world wars ' is written by

35 / 100

35) Which of the following statement is true?

36 / 100

36) 'Crowded earth ' was written by :

37 / 100

37) Who stated the land use study and proposed land use maps of Britain?

38 / 100

38) 'Influences of geographical environment ' was written by :

39 / 100

39) Patrick Geddes was the founder of british regional studies, especially regional survey, regionalizatiol and applied geography.

40 / 100

40) 'Principle of human geography ' was written by

41 / 100

41) M. V. Lomonosov was the world's first geomorphologist.

42 / 100

42) Use of models in geography was started by :

43 / 100

43) Who was the first geographer that first ever divided the world into 14 natural regions?

44 / 100

44) ' Agricultural location theory ' was proposed by :

45 / 100

45) Who was the first professor of geography in Germany?

46 / 100

46) Carl Ritter propounded the fundamental principle of unity in diversity.

47 / 100

47) Who laid the foundation of the dichotomy of systematic and regional geography?

48 / 100

48) The idea of topographical map was put forward by :

49 / 100

49) The controversy of dichotomy of the physical vs human geography was started during :

50 / 100

50) Who is known as the founder of british school of geography?

51 / 100

51) Which of the following are the main principle given by Jean brunches?

52 / 100

52) 'Theory of location of industries, was postulated by :

53 / 100

53) Uranography is the descriptive astronomy which deals with celestial bodies.

54 / 100

54) Who said that ' geography is a chorological science ' ?

55 / 100

55) 'Ratzel is considered the father of human geography ".

56 / 100

56) 'He studied fiord of Norway and laid the foundation of modern physical geography '. This statement is given to :

57 / 100

57) The book ' problem of human geography' was written by

58 / 100

58) Who among the following was not the disciple of viland de la blache?

59 / 100

59) The idea of human geography was due to ratzel bul it's real development was due to vilad de la blache.

60 / 100

60) Central please theory was propounded by

61 / 100

61) Wladimir koppen studied the world climate on the lines advocated by

62 / 100

62) Who propounded the ' principle of landforms ' ?

63 / 100

63) The founder of political geography was :

64 / 100

64) Who first ever used the term 'chorology' for regional study?

65 / 100

65) 'Space is not a thing or event. It is a kind of framework for things and events, for observation '. Who said this?

66 / 100

66) 'Muquddimali' was written by

67 / 100

67) The major part of working of Christian geographer was :

68 / 100

68) Almagast delas with :

69 / 100

69) The lind and the odesy were written by :

70 / 100

70) 'Historia naturalys ' was written by :

71 / 100

71) 'The earth is in the centre and all the heavenly bodies round around it '. Who postulated this hypothesis?

72 / 100

72) Who propounded the theory of zone of climate?

73 / 100

73) Who was the strong supporter of the idea that all history must be treated historically?

74 / 100

74) Who believed the earth to be a place of circular from surrounded on all sides by the oceans?

75 / 100

75) Who was believed to be the first cartographer of the world?

76 / 100

76) Kitab - Al - hind was written by :

77 / 100

77) Who first ever established the rotntion of the earth on its axis?

78 / 100

78) Who wrote the book ' kitab - akbhar - al- zaman?

79 / 100

79) Which of the following muslim geography centres may be compared with the Greek intellectual centre muleris?

80 / 100

80) Who was the first traveller that travelled china via Asia minor?

81 / 100

81) Which book is recognised as the first systematic description of the world?

82 / 100

82) The muslim geography enriched between :

83 / 100

83) Orthographic and stereographic projections are designed by :

84 / 100

84) Ges - periods is a work of :

85 / 100

85) Who first ever measured the circumference of the earth?

86 / 100

86) Who wrote ' Almagnst ' ?

87 / 100

87) The world first climatic atlas ' kitab - Al ashkar ' was prepared by :

88 / 100

88) Ibn batuta travelled india during the regin of :

89 / 100

89) Who are recognised as the founder of mathe-matical geography?

90 / 100

90) The ancient classical period was commenced from

91 / 100

91) The instrument gnomon was first used by :

92 / 100

92) The ' outline of geography ' was written by :

93 / 100

93) Who ascertained the length of equator on sound principle?

94 / 100

94) The famous book ' indica ' was written by :

95 / 100

95) Who believed that earth to be a place of circular from surrounded on all sides by the occans?

96 / 100

96) The lern ' geography ' was first used by :

97 / 100

97) Geography reveals

98 / 100

98) Who was the first geographer to prepare world map to scale?

99 / 100

99) The term ' geography ' has been derived from

100 / 100

100) Who is known as the father of geography?

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The average score is 41%
