Geographical Techniques

Below is a mock test of Geographical Techniques. Students those are preparing UGC-NTA NET can use the exam to plan their better future. student clicks on the start button and continues the exam. Follow the time and submit the paper according to the time.

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Created by Nabarun Academy
Best Geography Coaching Centre in Kolkata

Geographical Techniques_MOCK TEST_SET_1

1 / 20

1) Which one of the following symbols does not represent a point data?

2 / 20

2) Which one of the following map scales is a large scale

3 / 20

3) Which one of the following is not a measure of central tendency?

4 / 20

4) Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below
List- I                                             List-II

(Spatial Pattern)                         (Values of Rn Statistics)
A. Perfect Uniform                 1. 1.20
B. Tending to Cluster              2.2.14
C. Tending to Random            3. 0.00
D. Perfect Cluster                    4. 0.60


5 / 20

5) In order to study standard of living among the large, medium, small and marginal farmers of a region, which of the sampling technique would be more appropriate?

6 / 20

6) Which of the following is a non-quantitative area distribution of map

7 / 20

7) Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below
List-I                                      List- II
(Land Use Types)     (Conventional Colour Map Symbol)

A. Forest                            1. Yellow
B. Cultivation Area          2. Red
C. Uncultivable Land      3. Dark Green
D. Built Up Areas             4. Brown

8 / 20

8) A map with the scale of 1/50,000 is enlarged to 5-times which one of the following scales is correct for enlarged map

9 / 20

9) Which one of the following averages is not a measure of central tendency?

10 / 20

10) Which one of the following statistical techniques involves a large number of variables to be summarized into smaller dimension?

11 / 20

11) Which one of the following cartographic techniques is suitable for measuring spatial association among different attributes of the regional economy?

12 / 20

12) Which one of the following central tendencies is the appropriate method for the study of disperson?

13 / 20

13) Occupational Structure of population in India at state level is best represented by

14 / 20

14) Which of the following is not a quantitative distribution map

15 / 20

15) The statistical technique used to determine the degree of relationship between two variables is called :

16 / 20

16) The cumulative frequency distribution is shown by

17 / 20

17) Which of the following statistical techniques is used for establishing the Relationship between two variables

18 / 20

18) Which organization prepares the topographical map of India?

19 / 20

19) The dependent variable is represented along the

20 / 20

20) The Geodesy is a science deals with

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Created by Nabarun Academy
Best Geography Coaching Centre in Kolkata

Geographical Techniques_MOCK TEST_SET_2

1 / 20

1) Map showing the depths of oceans and seas is termed as

2 / 20

2) Road accessibility can be represented by

3 / 20

3) Which one of the following maps is known as “Dynamic Map”?

4 / 20

4) In which of the following diagrams the relationship of relative humidity and temperature is depicted

5 / 20

5) Which one of the following is best suited to represent the decadal growth of population?

6 / 20

6) Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
List- I (Mapping Technique)     List-II(Characteristics)
A. Chorochromatic           1. Density of Population
B. Choroschematic   2. Use of letters sign and symbol like                                            R=Rice, W = Wheat
C. Isopleth                       3. Colour or Tint Layering
D. Choropleth                 4. Interpolation

Codes:                                                                                                 A B C D

7 / 20

7) The sector diagram is also known as

8 / 20

8) Which one of the following is commonly used for computing the average value of river discharge?

9 / 20

9) In which one of the following methods the interpolation is used

10 / 20

10) Which of the following is most appropriate for showing frequency of distribution

11 / 20

11) The heights of individual points on topographical maps are indicated by

12 / 20

12) Which one of the following techniques is not suitable for showing urban population on the map?

13 / 20

13) Which of the following is most suitable to show the inequality in the distribution

14 / 20

14) If a map is drawn on RF 1/5500, which one of the following representative fractions will be correct if the map is reduced to half?

15 / 20

15) Which one of the following is a relative measure of dispersion?

16 / 20

16) The dot method of distribution refers to

17 / 20

17) Which one of the following measurements is used for inequality distribution of farmer's income subject to their landholding size of an area?

18 / 20

18) Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below
List-I(Method)            List-II (Uses)
A. Isopleth 1. Natural Grouping
B. Dot Maps 2. Distribution of Population
C. Scatter Diagrams 3. Wind Direction and Frequency
D. Star Diagrams 4. Changes which are relative gradually


19 / 20

19) Mean, Median and Mode Coincide if the distribution of value is

20 / 20

20) Which one of the following circumstances Pearson’s Coefficient of correlation is used?

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Created by Nabarun Academy
Best Geography Coaching Centre in Kolkata

Geographical Techniques_MOCK TEST_SET_3

1 / 20

1) The term Raw, Keen, Scorching and Muggy are used in

2 / 20

2) The Ergography was devised by

3 / 20

3) The Sextant instrument used for

4 / 20

4) The instrument ranging roads and alidade is used for

5 / 20

5) The headquarter of National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organization (NATMO) is located at

6 / 20

6) Spearman's method of calculating coefficient of correlation is based on

7 / 20

7) The application of statistics to economics is called

8 / 20

8) The difference between the highest value and lowest value in a series of item is called

9 / 20

9) Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below
List-I                                              List-II
A. Theodolite                  1. Measures vertical angle
B. Anemometer              2. Measures Horizontal and                                                           vertical angle
C. Hypsometer               3. Determines the absolute height                                                of place
D. Clinometer                4. Measures the velocity of wind

10 / 20

10) Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below
List-I                                    List-II
A. Planimeter          1. For measuring area of map
B. Pantograph        2. For showing climate and growing                                           season
C. Opisometer       3. For enlargement and reduction of                                           map
D. Ergo graph        4. For measuring distance of a map

11 / 20

11) The Wall maps are

12 / 20

12) The Cadastral maps are

13 / 20

13) The Sten De Gear method is the best technique to show the

14 / 20

14) Which one of the following is the best technique to represent the relief features?

15 / 20

15) A large scale map which indicate the detailed surface features of an areas both physical and human aspects is called

16 / 20

16) The international projection is a modified form of

17 / 20

17) In which projection the loxodromes are shown as straight like

18 / 20

18) A graph in which mean monthly temperature is plotted against the monthly rainfall is

19 / 20

19) The Cadastral maps are shows

20 / 20

20) Significance of Regression Coefficient in Bivariate Analysis is studied by using the

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Created by Nabarun Academy
Best Geography Coaching Centre in Kolkata

Geographical Techniques_MOCK TEST_SET_4

1 / 20

1) Which one of the following correlation coefficients is mismatched with its value?

2 / 20

2) Which one of the following aspects could be correctly represented in a contour map?

3 / 20

3) Which one of the following values of correlation coefficient (r) is not correctly matched degree of relationship?

4 / 20

4) According to Nearest Neighbour Index, what would be the maximum value for the perfect uniform settlement distribution?

5 / 20

5) Which one of the following indicates ‘Random’ distribution of settlements?

6 / 20

6) Which one of the following phenomenal relationship is depicted by an Ergo Graph?

7 / 20

7) Who among the following prepared Lorenze Curve for showing the inequality of income?

8 / 20

8) Chi-Square statistical method is mostly used for

9 / 20

9) Morphometric explanation is suitable for the study of

10 / 20

10) Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below
List-I (Statistics)                           List-II (Analysis)
A. Standard Distance                  1. Principal Component
B. Nearest Neighbour Analysis 2. Scatter Diagram
C. Correlation                               3. Settlement Pattern
D. Eigen Value                              4. Centographic Measure

11 / 20

11) Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below –
List-I (R.F.)        List-II (Level of Scale)
A. 1: 2, 50,000        1. Cadastral
B. 1 : 50, 00, 000     2. Large
C. 1 : 25, 000            3. Medium
D. 1 : 4,000              4.Small

12 / 20

12) Which one of the following terms is used to measure the extreme peak in a normal distribution?

13 / 20

13) Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below
List-I                                                     List-II
A. One Dimensional Diagram 1. Shows Length and Width
B. Two Dimensional Diagram 2. Shows Length
C. Three Dimensional Diagram 3. Shows Spatial Variations of Single Phenomena or relationship between Phenomena
D. Thematic Map 4. Shows length, breadth and height

14 / 20

14) The contours of equal spacing represents

15 / 20

15) The Nearest Neighbour Analysis (NAA) method was developed by

16 / 20

16) The Climograph was introduced in Cartography by

17 / 20

17) Who was the originator of Regression Analysis?

18 / 20

18) The full form of SPSS is

19 / 20

19) The headquarter of Geological Survey of India is

20 / 20

20) The headquarter of survey of India is located at

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Geographical Techniques_MOCK TEST_SET_5

1 / 20

1) LANDSAT SPOT and IRS are examples of

2 / 20

2) Which of the following will happen when satellite images are geo referenced

3 / 20

3) Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below
List-I (Linear Lengths) List-II (Fractional Measures)
A. Nanometer 1. 10 - 6
B. Micrometer 2. 10 0
C. Millimeter 3. 10 - 9
D. Meter 4. 10 - 3

4 / 20

4) Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below
List-I (Satellites) List-II (Countries)
A. IRS 1. Europe
B. SPOT 2. India
D. IKONOS 4. France

5 / 20

5) Among the following satellite series which has the oldest sensing programme

6 / 20

6) Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below
List – I (Bands of Energy)
(a) Photographic
(b) Optical
(c) Reflected Infrared
(d) Far Infrared
List –II (Wavelength in micrometer)
(i) 3.0 – 15.0
(ii) 0.7 – 3.0
(iii) 0.3 – 15.0
(iv) 0.3 – 0.9
(a) (b) (c) (d)

7 / 20

7) Which one of the following systems uses the vector and Raster Data?

8 / 20

8) Which of the following is a GIS operation

9 / 20

9) Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below
List-I (Instruments) List-II (Functions)
A. GPS Base 1. Distance Area
B. Pantograph 2. 3-D Vision
C. Planimeter 3. Global Location
D. Stereoscope 4. Reduction and Enlargement

10 / 20

10) Which one of the following Remote Sensing Sensors penetrate vegetation cover

11 / 20

11) The image of which satellite data product is used as substitute of cadastral map

12 / 20

12) Among the following water which will have highest spectral reflectance in visible land

13 / 20

13) Which one of the following is not an outcome of GIS modelling?

14 / 20

14) Which statistical method is best suited for groundwater exploration by using GIS TOOLS?

15 / 20

15) Photo bleeding means

16 / 20

16) The photograph are not easy to

17 / 20

17) The spatial data is stored in computer by using

18 / 20

18) Which one of the following Software is not a GIS SOFTWARE?

19 / 20

19) The scale on the aerial photography is variable on account of which of the following

20 / 20

20) Aerial photographs are studied with the help of

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Created by Nabarun Academy
Best Geography Coaching Centre in Kolkata

Geographical Techniques_MOCK TEST_SET_6

1 / 20

1) The term NNRMS stands for

2 / 20

2) Which one of the following is the correct sequence (in ascending order) of EMR spectral bands?

3 / 20

3) Master Control facility of Indian National Satellite System is located at

4 / 20

4) The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is situated in

5 / 20

5) Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below
List-I List-II
(Centre) (Locations)
A. National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA) 1. Bengaluru
B. Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS) 2. Hyderabad
C. Space Application Centre (SAC) 3. Dehradun

6 / 20

6) The scale of aerial photographs of flat terrain depends on

7 / 20

7) The term 'SITE’ stands for

8 / 20

8) Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below
List-I (Satellite) List-II (Country)
A. SPOT 1. India
B. GOES 2. France
C. Meteor-3 3. Russia
D. INSAT 4. U.S.A.

9 / 20

9) In remote sensing system which sensors measure the naturally available energy?

10 / 20

10) A system which consists of a data acquisition, data processing and analysis system is called

11 / 20

11) Which of the following is the component of GIS?

12 / 20

12) In Remote Sensing, there are four different types of resolution characters. Identify the correct order in which they are used

13 / 20

13) In GIS the polygon refers to

14 / 20

14) Which of the following group of colours are called primary colours?

15 / 20

15) The art of science of acquisition of physical touch or contact is called data of an object without

16 / 20

16) Raster data starts from

17 / 20

17) Which one of the following altitudes belongs to Geo-Stationary Satellites?

18 / 20

18) Which of the following altitudes belong to Sun-Synchronous polar orbit satellites?

19 / 20

19) Who launched remote sensing satellite for the first time?

20 / 20

20) INSAT, METEOSET are examples of

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Created by Nabarun Academy
Best Geography Coaching Centre in Kolkata

Geographical Techniques_MOCK TEST_SET_7

1 / 20

1) Polar orbiting satellites are generally placed at an altitude range of

2 / 20

2) Which among the following waves is having less wavelength range?

3 / 20

3) Remote sensing uses which of the following waves in its procedure?

4 / 20

4) Which of the following is not a classification of scattering principle?

5 / 20

5) Cartosat-1 has a spatial resolution of

6 / 20

6) The black colour on the satellite imagery represents

7 / 20

7) The French Earth Observation Satellite SPOT-1 was launched in the year

8 / 20

8) The American Earth Resource Technology Satellite launched in the year

9 / 20

9) Match List-I with List-1l and select the correct given below answer using the codes
List-I (Satellite) List-II (Year of Launch)
A. INSAT-1A       1. 2005
B. IRS-1A             2. 1988
C. IRS-1B             3. 1982
D. EDUSAT          4. 2004
E. CARTOSAT-1   5. 1991

10 / 20

10) The photographic cameras, multi spectral, scanners, Videocon cameras are example of

11 / 20

11) The RADAR, LIDAR and SONAR are example of

12 / 20

12) Which among the following Indian satellite exclusively launched for meteorological study?

13 / 20

13) Which of the following provide better details in the area of remote sensing

14 / 20

14) Which one of the following is not the key activity of G.I.S.?

15 / 20

15) Which one of the following Remote Sensing Satellites has the highest resolution in the world?

16 / 20

16) The first Satellite of India was

17 / 20

17) The term I.R.N.S.S. stands for

18 / 20

18) The Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre is located in

19 / 20

19) The Satish Dhawan Space centre is located in

20 / 20

20) Who is called Father of Indian Space programme

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Created by Nabarun Academy
Best Geography Coaching Centre in Kolkata

Geographical Techniques

1 / 20

20. Which one of the following is Centro graphic measure

2 / 20

19. Which one of the following is the commonly used measure of central tendency

3 / 20

18. Representation of he universe is best done by which of the following

4 / 20

17. Significance of regression coefficient in bivariate analyses is studied by using the

5 / 20

16. Given below are two statement one labeled as assertion A and the other labeled as reason R select your answer from the code given
Assertion A : standard deviation is a measure of dispersion of values in a data set
Reason R : value tend to move away from the central value in the dataset

6 / 20

15. The standard deviation

7 / 20

14. The graphs in which the line depicting the superimposition of the mean monthly rainfall and the mean monthly evaporation are called

8 / 20

13. Mercator projection was invented in which year

9 / 20

12. Data represented through a histogram can help In finding graphical the

10 / 20

11. The root mean square deviation is least when deviation are measured from

11 / 20

10. The occupational structure of population is best represent by

12 / 20

9. The bars in a bar diagram reveal proportional values in the data

13 / 20

8. A bar graph is commonly called a battleship of graph when it represent

14 / 20

7. Isochronic cartogram represents

15 / 20

6. On the four corner keen , scorching , muggy , raw is given . The diagram is

16 / 20

5. The value of the data which divide the group of data into two equal parts such that the value in one part are each less than and value in the other part are each grater than this value is

17 / 20

4. The most stable measure of central tendency is

18 / 20

3. Bar diagram is a

19 / 20

2. The point of interaction of the given number of less than and grater than represents

20 / 20

1.Which of the following is correct

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Created by Nabarun Academy
Best Geography Coaching Centre in Kolkata

Geographical Techniques

1 / 20

20. Which one of the following is Centro graphic measure

2 / 20

19. Which one of the following is the commonly used measure of central tendency

3 / 20

18. Representation of he universe is best done by which of the following

4 / 20

17. Significance of regression coefficient in bivariate analyses is studied by using the

5 / 20

16. Given below are two statement one labeled as assertion A and the other labeled as reason R select your answer from the code given
Assertion A : standard deviation is a measure of dispersion of values in a data set
Reason R : value tend to move away from the central value in the dataset

6 / 20

15. The standard deviation

7 / 20

14. The graphs in which the line depicting the superimposition of the mean monthly rainfall and the mean monthly evaporation are called

8 / 20

13. Mercator projection was invented in which year

9 / 20

12. Data represented through a histogram can help In finding graphical the

10 / 20

11. The root mean square deviation is least when deviation are measured from

11 / 20

10. The occupational structure of population is best represent by

12 / 20

9. The bars in a bar diagram reveal proportional values in the data

13 / 20

8. A bar graph is commonly called a battleship of graph when it represent

14 / 20

7. Isochronic cartogram represents

15 / 20

6. On the four corner keen , scorching , muggy , raw is given . The diagram is

16 / 20

5. The value of the data which divide the group of data into two equal parts such that the value in one part are each less than and value in the other part are each grater than this value is

17 / 20

4. The most stable measure of central tendency is

18 / 20

3. Bar diagram is a

19 / 20

2. The point of interaction of the given number of less than and grater than represents

20 / 20

1.Which of the following is correct

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