

Geomorphology is the study of landforms and landform evolution. The topic traditionally has been studied both qualitatively, which is the description of landforms, and quantitatively, which is process-based and describes forces acting on Earth’s surface to produce landforms and landform change.

Mock Test

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1 / 20


1. The direction of a horizontal line on an inclined rock strata is termed as:

2 / 20


2. San Andreas Fault is a:

3 / 20


3. Which of the following features is formed due to tectonic forces?

4 / 20


4. Which one of the following groups of natural elements in living matters make up more than 99% of Earth’s biomass?

5 / 20


5. Gutenberg discontinuity is found between the:

6 / 20


6. Which one of the following is a fluvio-glacial deposit?

7 / 20


7. Which one of the following rocks is associated with "Cratons”?

8 / 20


8. The concept of geosyncline was propounded by:

9 / 20


9. The upper part of the mantle upon which the crust of the Earth floats is known as

10 / 20


10. Which one of the followings is the main source for a vast reservoir of relatively inert nitrogen in homosphere ?


11 / 20


11. The process in which one plate slides beneath another is known as:

12 / 20


12. The Two Cycle Theory on the origin of limestone caverns was proposed by

13 / 20


13. Which one of the following types of plate boundaries and motions are exemplified by the San Andreas Faultr of California?


14 / 20


14. The concept of panplain was propagated by:

15 / 20


15. Peternoster Lakes are:

16 / 20


16. Mohorovicic discontinuity’ marks the boundary between:

17 / 20


17. Which of the followingis not a part of Circum-Pacific Volcanic belt?

18 / 20


18. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R), Read the statements and choose the correct answer using the code given below

Assertion (A): Plate margins and volcanic zones are closely related with each other.

Reason (R): Most of the volcanic zones are located along convergent plate boundaries.

19 / 20


19. Which of the following groups of scholars stressed on the role of lateral erosion by streams in the formation of pediments?

20 / 20


20. In which of the following directions the Nazca Plate is moving?

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1 / 26

1. Which of the following support as evidence for continental drift theory?

1.    Sediments from India is known to have its counter parts in six different landmasses of the Southern Hemisphere.

2.    placer deposits of gold in the Ghana coast have their source in brazil

3.    identical species of plants and animals found on either side of the marine barriers

Select the correct answer using following codes.

2 / 26

2. Which of the following support as evidence for continental drift theory?

1.    volcanic eruptions are common along the mid oceanic ridges

2.    The age of the rocks increases as one moves away from the the mid oceanic ridges crest.

3.    The continental rocks are much younger than the ocean crust rocks.

Select the correct answer using following codes.

3 / 26

3. The process of removal of rocks from the earth surface is known as:

4 / 26

4. The main cause of mass movement is

5 / 26

5. Chemical weathering is more pronounced in:

6 / 26

6. Which process is also called as Onion Weathering?

7 / 26

7. The process by which soluble salts are removed from the horizon A of soil and washed downwards to the horizon B through the action of percolating rainwater is called

8 / 26

8. What is Syncline?

9 / 26

9. The Koyna earthquake (11 December, 1967) occured in the state of

10 / 26

10. In which period Chalk White Writing were mostly found

11 / 26

11. The carboniferous period was well known for

12 / 26

12. Find out the correct sequences of Era?

13 / 26

13. The age of the Earth is about

14 / 26

14. Cepheid Theory about the origin of the earth was given by

15 / 26

15. Who gave the statement-"Give me the matter and I will build a world of it"?

16 / 26

16. Interstellar dust Hypothesis was given by

17 / 26

17. Exposition of the World System was written by

18 / 26

18. ‘The Unstable Earth’ was written by

19 / 26

19. Who wrote the book, ‘Illustration of the Hotunion Theory of the Earth’?

20 / 26

20. Theory of Earth with Proofs and illustration was written by

21 / 26

21. Principles of Geology was written by

22 / 26

22. No vestige of beginning prospect of an end: Who said this statement?

23 / 26

23. Who said ‘present is the key to past’

24 / 26

24. The concept of Uniformitarianism was pullulated by

25 / 26

25. Who is called Founder of Modern Geomorphology

26 / 26

26. Geomorphology is the study of -

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1 / 22

1. How many minor plates are found in the Lithosphere?

2 / 22

2. How many major plates are found in the Lithosphere?

3 / 22

3. Who postulated the paving stone hypothesis?

4 / 22

4. The term plate was first time used by

5 / 22

5. Jig-Saw fit idea is related to

6 / 22

6. Panthalassa refers to the

7 / 22

7. Pangaea refers to the

8 / 22

8. Who postulated continental drift theory (1912)

9 / 22

9. Who propounded the Tetrahedral Hypothesis (1875) about the origin of continents and ocean basins?

10 / 22

10. First Order Relief features refers to

11 / 22

11. Barysphere is composed of -

12 / 22

12. The concept of Geosynclines was propounded by

13 / 22

13. When did Sumatra Tsunami occurs in the Indian Ocean.

14 / 22

14. The main causes of Tsunami are

15 / 22

15. Which is called ‘Country of Earthquake’?

16 / 22

16. The lines joining the places of equal intensity of seismic waves are known as

17 / 22

17. The magnitude or intensity of energy released by an earthquake is measured by

18 / 22

18. The Elastic Rebound Theory (1906) profound by H.F. Reid which explains

19 / 22

19. Which seismic waves can pass through solid and liquid materials?

20 / 22

20. Which of the following earthquake waves are most destructive?

21 / 22

21. Which of the following earthquake waves is first recorded on the Seismograph?

22 / 22

22. The average density of the Earth is

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1 / 20

1)  A plateau is surrounded by mountain range one side and coastal plain other side is called


2 / 20

2) What is Plateau?


3 / 20

3) The mobile zones of water which are bordered by rigid masses which are termed by Kober as


4 / 20

4)  The Geysers are


5 / 20

5)  The block mountains are also called as-


6 / 20

6) What is Cordillera?


7 / 20

7)  The term Panplane refers to


8 / 20

8) The landforms resulting from several cycles of erosion whether complete or incomplete are called


9 / 20

9) The theory of Peneplanation was formulated by


10 / 20

10) The slope replacement model was propounded by


11 / 20

11) River captures is the most characteristic features of the


12 / 20

12) Monadnock a features, is the result of -


13 / 20

13) Who postulated the concept of ‘Base Level Erosion’?


14 / 20

14)  Normal cycle of Erosion is related with


15 / 20

15)  Geographical cycle of Davis was propounded in the year


16 / 20

16) The concept of Geographical cycle of Erosion was given by,


17 / 20

17) The cyclic concept was first time postulated by


18 / 20

18)  The Barren Island of Active Volcano of India is lies in


19 / 20

19)  Pacific ‘Ring of Fire’ is associated with


20 / 20

20) The old faithful Geysar of the yellow stone National Park is located in


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1 / 19

1) The rocks having broad upper part and narrow base resembling an umbrella is called


2 / 19

2) What is Avalanche?


3 / 19

3)  The term Neve (Firn) in associated with


4 / 19

4) The concept of ‘Ice Age’ was given by


5 / 19

5)  What is name given to cirque in Scotland?


6 / 19

6)  The Paternoster lakes is associated with


7 / 19


. The world largest Lambert Glacier is located in


8 / 19

8) Which of the following arrangements of Pleistocene Ice age is in correct Chronological order


9 / 19

9) The glacier covered greater part of the earth surface during the


10 / 19

10)  Which Delta is known as Sunderban Delta?


11 / 19

11) Which of the following is the largest Delta of the world.


12 / 19

12) Which is the highest waterfall of the world?


13 / 19

13)  Which of the river is also known as yellow river?


14 / 19

14) Pot holes of much bigger size are called


15 / 19

15) The erosive power of a river depends mostly upon its


16 / 19

16) The limit of maximum downward erosion by a river is called


17 / 19

17) Running Water Landforms are also known as


18 / 19

18) The Hydraulic Slope Theory was given by


19 / 19

19) Tibetan Plateau is an example of –


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1 / 22

1) A very steep rock coast rising almost vertically above sea water is called

2 / 22

2) A sandbar connecting an island to main land is called

3 / 22

3) Which is the most powerful and effective erosive agent of coastal areas

4 / 22

4) The Artesian well is mostly found in

5 / 22

5) A lake formed in the channel of an abandoned meander is known as

6 / 22

6) When the stalactite and stalacmites meet together are formed

7 / 22

7) The verticals columns of dripstones growing upward from the floor limestone cave are known as

8 / 22

8) The Columns of dripstones hanging from the ceiling of limestone caves are called

9 / 22

9) Which of the following features are formed when the roof of a limestone cavern collapse


10 / 22

10) The most extensive larger than the dolines, the depression is called


11 / 22

11)  Terra Rosa means


12 / 22

12)  The most important region of Karst topography is found in


13 / 22

13) Karst Topography is formed due to


14 / 22

14)  Vadose Zone remain in between:


15 / 22

15) What is Aquifers?


16 / 22

16) The layer of loose and unconsolidated materials lying over the bedrock is called


17 / 22

17)  Bad-land topography is the product


18 / 22

18)  The term pediment was first time used by


19 / 22

19) The inselbergs landforms are also called is


20 / 22

20) A stony and rocky desert is called


21 / 22

21) The Mushroom rocks is also known as “Gara” in the region of -


22 / 22

22) The desert having mobile sands are called


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1 / 23

1) The most common type of mass movements found in the humid tropics is

2 / 23

2) The concept of quick and sudden origin and evolution of all animate and inanimate objects in very short period is called

3 / 23

3) The premise that present day process have been operating throughout geological time is the principle of

4 / 23

4) Diastrophism means-

5 / 23

5) The depression formed at the mouth of a volcanic vent of funnel shape is called-

6 / 23

6) Which is not a erosional process caused by wind

7 / 23

7) A rock basin formed at the floor of the cirque basin due to glacial erosion is called

8 / 23

8) The removal of fine rock debris by wind is called

9 / 23

9) Solifluction is dominant in

10 / 23

10) In between the high and low tide lines lies the

11 / 23

11) U-shaped valleys are usually formed due to

12 / 23

12) Karst Geomorphology is associated with the study of -

13 / 23

13) Dripstone is seen in

14 / 23

14) Etchplain is formed by

15 / 23

15) The point of the earth surface, perpendicular to the focus, where seismic waves are recorded first time is called

16 / 23

16)  The place of the origin the earthquake which is hidden inside the earth is called

17 / 23

17) A narrow block elevated between the normal faults in called

18 / 23

18) The term "Active Layer" is associated with

19 / 23

19) The word "Permafrost" was first time used by

20 / 23

20) The term "Permafrost" was coined by

21 / 23

21) A stream with a complex of converging and diverging channels separated by bars or islands in known as

22 / 23

22) Drowned glaciated valleys in high latitudes regions are known as

23 / 23

23) Ria Coast is an example of -

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1 / 21

1) Most of the details world topography belongs to the

2 / 21

2) The Nazca plate lies on

3 / 21

3) The most abundant rock type in the earth's crust is

4 / 21

4) The Rift Valleys are caused by

5 / 21

5) The Metamorphic rocks are formed under

6 / 21

6) The largest fresh water storage of the world lies in

7 / 21

7)  The world famous Grand Canyon has well develop in the river of -

8 / 21

8)  In the process of erosion, the removal of materials by solution is called

9 / 21

9) The term out-wash plain is associated with the

10 / 21

10) The term grooving is associated with

11 / 21

11) The spontaneous downhill movement regolith and bed-rock, under the influence of gravity is known as

12 / 21

12) The alluvial fans are formed in the regions of

13 / 21

13) Frost action is most pronounced in the

14 / 21

14) The highly destructive and explosive volcano is

15 / 21

15) The Sub-Arial erosion theory is related with the origin of -

16 / 21

16) How many stages of cycle of erosion were mentioned

17 / 21

17) Lopolith and Phacolith are produced in which rocks

18 / 21

18) In which of the following area most of the earthquakes of the world come?

19 / 21

19) Which of the following Rift Valley has its bottom/floor is below sea level -

20 / 21

20) Which of the following is formed due to tectonic forces

21 / 21

21) "Shadow Zone" is an earthquake is produced due to

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Created by Nabarun Academy
Best Geography Coaching Centre in Kolkata

Geomorphology_Mock Test

1 / 10

1) The carboniferous period was well known for

2 / 10

2) Geomorphology is the study of -

3 / 10

3) The main cause of mass movement is

4 / 10

4) Find out the correct sequences of Era?

5 / 10

5) The age of the Earth is about

6 / 10

6) ‘The Unstable Earth’ was written by

7 / 10

7) Who wrote the book, ‘Illustration of the Hotunion Theory of the Earth’?

8 / 10

8) Principles of Geology was written by

9 / 10

9) Who said ‘present is the key to past’

10 / 10

10) The concept of Uniformitarianism was pullulated by

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Created by Nabarun Academy
Best Geography Coaching Centre in Kolkata

physical geography test_1

1 / 50

1) Kiel Canal Connects

2 / 50

2) What is La Nina

3 / 50

3) A cold ocean current flows from south to north along the western coast of South Africa is called

4 / 50

4) Which of the following area is called Cape of Good Hope

5 / 50

5) Which of the following is the islands of corals

6 / 50

6) What is the most important effects of oceanic currents?

7 / 50

7) What is the real time taken by the tide?

8 / 50

8) Which features are called rainforest of oceans?

9 / 50

9) In Grand Bank and George Bank abundant productive fishing ground are found due to

10 / 50

10) The famous productive fishing ground Dogger bank are lies in

11 / 50

11) Which one of the following countries has the world's longest coastline

12 / 50

12) The Glacial Control Theory of formation of coral reefs was propounded by

13 / 50

13) Who Propounded Subsidence Theory of formation of coral reefs

14 / 50

14) Who propounded the theory of stand still theory of formation for coral reefs?

15 / 50

15) Diamond Harbour and Salt Lake City are situated in

16 / 50

16) Which one of the following sea is without a coast line?

17 / 50

17) The first marine sanctuary in India, having its bounds coral reefs, mollusca, dolphins, tortoise and various kinds of sea birds, has been established in

18 / 50

18) The wave-cut platform is found in

19 / 50

19) The general depth of Abyssal Plains varies between

20 / 50

20) Salinity in water bodies increase with

21 / 50

21) The carboniferous period was well known for

22 / 50

22) Geomorphology is the study of -

23 / 50

23) The main cause of mass movement is

24 / 50

24) Find out the correct sequences of Era?

25 / 50

25) The age of the Earth is about

26 / 50

26) ‘The Unstable Earth’ was written by

27 / 50

27) Who wrote the book, ‘Illustration of the Hotunion Theory of the Earth’?

28 / 50

28) Principles of Geology was written by

29 / 50

29) Who said ‘present is the key to past’

30 / 50

30) The concept of Uniformitarianism was pullulated by

31 / 50

31) M. V. Lomonosov was the world's first geomorphologist.

32 / 50

32) The undulations of sea water at the place of their origin are called

33 / 50

33) Sea waves are generated due to

34 / 50

34) A deep or trench in the ocean floor is called

35 / 50

35) ich is the most powerful and effective erosive agent of coastal areas?

36 / 50

36) Which of the following landscapes are formed by glacier?

37 / 50

37) Who postulated the glacial erosion theory?

38 / 50

38) The glacial protection theory was postulated by

39 / 50

39) Which of the following is not the landforrn of glacier?

40 / 50

40) Which of the following is not the cause of movement of glacier?

41 / 50

41) 11. which atmospheric layer contains lons and helps in wireless communication

42 / 50

42) 20. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): The eastern coast of India is affected by tropical cyclones more than the western coast.

Reason (R): Tropical cyclone originates only in the Bay of Bengal.

In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct?

43 / 50

43) 19. Winter rainfall in North-Western part of India is mainly due to

44 / 50

44) 18. In which type of climate equiplanation process i.e., reduction of relief to a plain takes place?

45 / 50

45) 17. Which one of the following regions does not receive much rainfall during the South-West monsoon season?

46 / 50

46) 16. A tropical cyclone was located 500 kms. South-West of Visakhapatnam. The cyclone first moved 250 kms in North-West direction and then suddenly changed the direction to the North-East. Which of the following ports would raise the highest danger signal?

47 / 50

47) 15. The atmosphere gets heated by which one of the following?

48 / 50

48) 14. Cold dry wind experienced particularly in winter along the eastern coast of Atlantic Ocean and in Northern Italy is called

49 / 50

49) 13. Mediterranean climate is characterized by

50 / 50

50) 12. As per the Koppen’s scheme the Bhwh type of climate is found in

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