Population and Settlement Geography

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Created by nabarunacademy2
Best Geography Coaching Centre in Kolkata

Urban Geography

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Q.20. Which model of urban structure is 'Wedge like Expansion’?

2 / 20

Q.19. In concentric zone model of Burgess Zone Il refers to

3 / 20

 Q.18. Most urbanized state of India is

4 / 20

 Q.17. What is the trend of Urbanization in India?

5 / 20

Q.16. The concept of Garden City was propounded by

6 / 20

Q.15. The concept of Rank -Size Rule was propounded by

7 / 20

Q.14. The concept of Growth Pole was given by

8 / 20

Q.13. A process of population deconcentration away from large urban settlement to non-metropolitan areas is termed as

9 / 20

Q.12. One of the important determinants urban land value is

10 / 20

Q.11. In rural areas the small towns develop mainly for providing

11 / 20

Q.10. The Central Place Theory was postulated by

12 / 20

Q.9. The concept of Rural - Urban Continuum was given by

13 / 20

Q.8. The concept of Rural-Urban Fringe was pr

opounded by

14 / 20

Q.7. The Core-Periphery Model was given by

15 / 20

Q.6. The concept of ‘Urban Revolution’ was given by

16 / 20

Q.5. The concept of Megalopolis was given by

17 / 20

Q.4. The concept of conurbation was given by

18 / 20

Q.3. Which one of the concepts describes the absence of cities and towns within a radius of 75 km from a large city?

19 / 20

Q.2. Rural house is an index of the

20 / 20

Q.1. The site of human settlement refers to

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Created by Nabarun Academy
Best Geography Coaching Centre in Kolkata


1 / 15

1) A continuous belt of states from west to cast in the north-west, north, and north central parts of the country has relatively growth rate than the southern states.

2 / 15

2) ____________ of population is the change in the number of people living in a particular area between two points of time.

3 / 15

3) In the post 1981 till present ,the growth rate of country's population remained_

4 / 15

4) Arrange the following phases in a sequence order according to their occurrence in Indian population:

(i) Populationexplosion (ii) Stationaryphase

(iii) Decreasedgrowth (iv) steady growth

5 / 15

5) The _________ density of population is the number of people per unit area of arable land.

6 / 15

6) __________ is the term which means the spread of people a cross the world.

7 / 15

7) ArrangethestatesofIndiawithhighesttolo west population density.

(i) West Bengal (ii)Bihar

(iii) UttarPradesh (iv) (IV)MaharashtraOptions

8 / 15

8) Name the state of India having lowest density of population as per2011Census.

9 / 15

9) The period of steady population growth was of:

10 / 15

10) The period from 1901to1921is referred to as period of

11 / 15

11) The natural growth rate is analyses by assessing the:

12 / 15

12) The number of farmers per unit area of farmland is known as:

13 / 15

13) The state of India which has the lowest percentage of population below poverty line:

14 / 15

14) The first complete population Census was conducted in Indiain:

15 / 15

15) The state with the highest population in India is:

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Created by Nabarun Academy
Best Geography Coaching Centre in Kolkata

Population Geography_MOCK TEST_SET_1

1 / 25

1) Among the following States, __________ has the lowest birth rate in India.

2 / 25

2) The "Todas' are one of the major tribes found in

3 / 25

3) Which of the following states has the lowest literacy rate?

4 / 25

4) India's biggest tribal group is

5 / 25

5) Where are Khasi and Garo tribes mainly found in

6 / 25

6) Among the following states, the literacy rate is highest in

7 / 25

7) According to the latest figures, literacy in India is

8 / 25

8) In which state, female literacy rate is the highest?

9 / 25

9) Where are homogenous group "Mangolab" found in India?

10 / 25

10) Kuki is related to which state

11 / 25

11) Which one of the following pairs of states and tribes is not correctly matched?

12 / 25

12) Which of the following is not correctly matched?

13 / 25

13) The most literate union territory in India is

14 / 25

14) Among the following, which State has highest level of literacy?

15 / 25

15) Find the name of the state which has the lowest density?

16 / 25

16) Which state of India has the largest percentage of poors?

17 / 25

17) Khasi and Garo tribes mainly live in

18 / 25

18) In which of the following states the first synagogue is built in India?

19 / 25

19) The Birth rate measures the birth during an year per

20 / 25

20) The Indian state with lowest sex ratio is

21 / 25

21) Which pair is not twin-cities?

22 / 25

22) According to the data, released by housing and urban poverity alleviation ministry, which state has the maximum number of slums?

23 / 25

23) As per the Census 2011, which state has the lowest population in India?

24 / 25

24) After which one of the following tribes of India has a supercontinent of ancient geological history of the world been named?

25 / 25

25) Census data released on July 15,2011 reflects that 13.48 percent urban population lives in

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