Economic and Regional Geography

Economic and Regional Geography

Economic geography is a subdiscipline concerned with teh spatial organization and ditribution of economic activity (production, transportation, communication, and consumption); the use of the world’s resources; and the geographic origins, structure, and dynamics of the world economy.

classification of economic activites

  1. Primary activities :- harvest or expracted from earth, basic food production and raw materials.
  2. Secondary activites:- adding value to the materials. manufacturing and processing industries . lncludes construction industry and manufacturing of power.
  3. Tertiary activities:- link between producer adn consumer indicator of economic development
  4. Quaternary activites:- knowledge sector, white collar professionals working in education, government research, communication
  5. Quinary activities:- gold collar professions, high level decision making roles.
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Best Geography Coaching Centre in Kolkata


1 / 50

1. In which year, the population of country was the highest?

2 / 50

2. Assertion (A): All teaching should aim at ensuring learning.

Reason (R): All learning results from teaching.

Choose the correct answer from the following code:

3 / 50

3. More productive employment demands:

4 / 50

4. The advantage if technological inputs would result in:

5 / 50

5. Envisioning a developed India requires:

6 / 50

6. Which of the following sequence of research steps is nearer to scientific method?

7 / 50

7. Which of the following set of statements is correct for describing the human communication process?

(a) Non-verbal communication can stimulate ideas.

(b) Communication is a learnt ability.

(c) Communication is not a universal panacea.

(d) Communication cannot break-down.

(e) More communication means more effective learning by students.

(f) Value of what is learnt through classroom communication is not an issue for students.


8 / 50

8. Differentiation between acceptance and non-acceptance of certain stimuli in classroom communication is the basis of:

9 / 50

9.  In which of the following activities, potential for nurturing creative and critical thinking is relatively greater?

10 / 50

10. With regard to computer memory, which of the following statement (s) is/are TRUE?

P: Read Only Memory (ROM) is ‘volatile’ memory.

Q: Random Access Memory (RAM) is ‘volatile’ memory.

R: Secondary Memory is ‘volatile’ memory.

11 / 50

11. Assertion (A): To communicate well in the classroom is a natural ability.

Reason (R): Effective teaching in the classroom demands knowledge of the communication process.


12 / 50

12. ‘Fly ash’ produced in thermal power plants is an ecofriendly resource for use in:

(a) agriculture as micro-nutrient

(b) wasteland development

(c) dam and water holding structures

(d) brick industry

Choose the correct answer from the code given below:

13 / 50

13. There are two sets given below.

Set – I specifies the types of research, while Set –II indicates their characteristics. Match the two and given your answer by selecting the appropriate code.

Set – I (Research types)

(a) Fundamental research

(b) Applied research

(c) Action research

(d) Evaluative research


Set – II (Characteristics)

(i) Finding out the extent of perceived impact of an intervention

(ii) Developing an effective explanation through theory building

(iii) Improving an existing situation through use of interventions

(iv) Exploring the possibility of a theory for use in various situations

(v) Enriching technological resources


Set – I (Research types)Set – II (Characteristics)
(a) Fundamental research(i) Finding out the extent of perceived impact of an intervention
(b) Applied research(ii) Developing an effective explanation through theory building
(c) Action research(iii) Improving an existing situation through use of interventions
(d) Evaluative research(iv) Exploring the possibility of a theory for use in various situations
(v) Enriching technological resources


(a) (b) (c)(d)

14 / 50

14. Put the following units of storage into the correct order, starting with the smallest unit first and going down to the largest unit:

(a) Kilobyte

(b) byte

(c) Megabyte

(d) Terabyte

(e) Gigabyte

(f) Bit

Give your answer from the following code:

15 / 50

15. Assertion (A): Classroom communication is a transactional process.

Reason (R): A teacher does not operate under the assumption that students’ responses are purposive.

Select the correct code for your answer:

16 / 50

16. Two numbers are in the ratio 2: 5. If 16 is added to both the numbers, their ratio becomes 1: 2. The numbers are:

17 / 50

17. Which one among the following is a presupposition in inductive reasoning?

18 / 50

18. From the list of evaluation procedures given below identify those which will be called ‘formative evaluation’. Indicate your answer by choosing from the code:

(a) A teacher awards grades to students after having transacted the course work.

(b) During interaction with students in the classroom, the teacher provides corrective feedback.

(c) The teacher gives marks to students on a unit test.

(d) The teacher clarifies to doubts of students in the class itself.

(e) The overall performance of a student’s us reported to parents at every three months interval.

(f) The learner’s motivation is raised by the teacher through a question-answer session.


19 / 50

19. If the proposition ‘domestic animals are hardly ferocious’ is taken to be false, which of the following proposition/propositions can be claimed to be certainly true? Select the correct code:


(a) All domestic animals are ferocious.

(b) Most of the domestic animals are ferocious.

(c) No domestic animal is ferocious.

(d) Some domestic animals are non-ferocious.


20 / 50

20. Which one of the following statements is not correct in the context of Venn diagram method?

21 / 50


Read the following passage carefully and answer questions from 11 to 15:

If India has to develop her internal strengths, the nation has to focus on the technological imperatives, keeping in mind three dynamic dimensions: the people, the overall economy and the strategic interests. These technological imperatives also take into account a ‘fourth’ dimensions, time, and offshoot of modern day dynamism in business, trade, and technology that leads to continually shifting targets. We believe that technological strengths are especially crucial in dealing with this fourth dimension underlying continuous change in the aspirations of the people, the economy in the global context, and the strategic interests. The progress of technology lies at the heart of human history. Technological strengths are the key to creating more productive employment in an increasingly competitive market place and to continually upgrade human skills. Without a pervasive use of technologies, we cannot achieve overall development of our people in the years to come. The direct linkages of technology to the nation’s strategic strengths are becoming more and more clear, especially since 1990s. India’s own strength in a number of core areas still puts it in a position of reasonable strength in geo-political context. Any nation aspiring to become a developed one needs to have strengths in various strategic technologies and also the ability to continually upgrade them through its own creative strengths. For people-oriented actions as well, whether for the creation of large scale productive employment or for ensuring nutritional and health security for people, or for better living conditions, technology is the only vital input. The absence of greater technological impetus could lead to lower productivity and wastage of precious natural resources. Activities with low productivity or low value addition, in the final analysis hurt the poorest most important. India, aspiring to become a major economic power in terms of trade and increase in GDP, cannot succeed on the strength of turnkey projects designed and built abroad or only through large-scale imports of plant machinery, equipment and know how. Even while being alive to the short-term realities, medium and long-term strategies to develop core technological strengths within our industry are vital for envisioning a developed India.

According to the above passage, which of the following are indicative of the fourth dimension?

(a) Aspirations of people

(b) Modern day dynamism

(c) Economy in the global context

(d) Strategic interests


22 / 50


What is the average consumption of rice (in million kg) over the years 2012 – 2016?

23 / 50

23. What is the population of the country in the year 2014 (in million)?

24 / 50

24. Superiority of intellect depends upon its power of concentration on one theme in the same way as a concave mirror collects all the rays that strike upon it into one point.

25 / 50

25. If VARANASI is coded as WCUESGZQ, then the code of KOLKATA will be:

26 / 50

26. Which of the following types of natural disasters has no definite beginning and end?

27 / 50

27. Which of the following is considered as major source of pollution in rivers of India?

28 / 50

28. The ratio of exports to consumption in the given period was the highest in the year:

29 / 50

29. Which of the sets of activities best indicate the cyclic nature of action research strategy?

30 / 50

30. The next term in the series -1, 5, 15, 29, ________, … is

31 / 50

31. Assertion (A): The initial messages to students in the classroom by a teacher need not be critical to establish interactions later.

Reason (R): More control over the communication process means more control over what the students are learning.


32 / 50

32. Prime Minister Research Fellowship is for students pursuing Ph. D programme in:

33 / 50

33. Which of the following statements, regarding the term ICT is/are TRUE?

P: ICT is an acronym that stands for Indian Classical Technology.

Q: Converging technologies that exemplify ICT include the merging of audio-visual, telephone and computer networks through a common cabling system.

34 / 50

34. Leader of the opposition is a member of committees which select:

(a) the central information Commissioner

(b) the Central Vigilance Commissioner

(c) the Chairperson of National Human Rights Commission

(d) the Chairperson of National Commission for women

Select the correct answer from the code given below:

35 / 50

35. In terms of their contribution to the total power generation in India, Identify the correct sequence of energy sources – Thermal Power Plants (TPP), Large Hydropower Projects (LHP), Nuclear Energy (NE) and Renewable Energy (RE) which includes solar energy, wind energy, biomass and small hydropower projects.

36 / 50

36. Given below are two premises (A and B). Four conclusions are drawn from them. Select the code that states validity drawn conclusion (s) (taking the premises individually or jointly).


(A) Most of the dancers are physically fit.

(B) Most of the singers are dancers.


(a) Most of the singers are physically fit.

(b) Most of the dancers are singers.

(c) Most of the physically fit persons are dancers.

(d) Most of the physically fit persons are singers.


37 / 50

37. A new Laptop has been produced that weighs less, is smaller and uses less power previous Laptop models. Which of the following technologies has been used to accomplish this?

38 / 50

38. Which of the following set of statements best describes the nature and objectives of teaching?

(a) Teaching and learning are integrally related.

(b) There is no difference between teaching and training.

(c) Concern of all teaching is to ensure some kind of transformation in students.

(d) All good teaching is formal in nature.

(e) A teacher is a senior person.

(f) Teaching is a social act whereas learning is a personal act.


39 / 50

39. The table below embodies data on the production, exports and per capita consumption of rice in country P for the five years from 2012 to 2016.

Answer questions 31 – 35 based on the data contained in the table.

The Percentage increase in the consumption of rice over the previous year was the highest in which year?

40 / 50

40. Which of the following learner characteristics is highly related to effectiveness of teaching?

41 / 50

41. India has the largest Higher Education System in the World after:

(a) The United States of America

(b) Australia

(c) China

(d) United Kingdom (UK)

Select the correct answer from the code given below:

42 / 50

42. Given the following email fields, which of the email addresses will ‘swami’ be able to see when he receives the message?

To: ram@test. com 

CC: raj@test. com; ravi@test. com

BCC: swami@test. com; rama@test. com

43 / 50

43. Assertion (A): Indoor air pollution is serious hazard.

Reason (R): The dispersal of air pollutants is rather limited in indoor environment.

Choose the correct answer from the code given below:

44 / 50

44. Which of the following are the barriers to citizen-centric administration in India?

(a) Wooden and inflexible attitude of the civil servants

(b) Ineffective implementation of laws and rules

(c) Awareness of rights and duties of citizens

(d) Lack of job opportunities for the youth Select the correct answer from the code given below:

45 / 50

45. Introducing, Rakesh to her husband a women said, “His brother’s father is the only son of my grandfather”. The woman is related to Rakesh as:

46 / 50

46. Absence of technology would lead to:

(a) Less pollution

(b) Wastage of precious natural resources

(c) Low value addition

(d) Hurting the poorest most


47 / 50

47. The next term in the series: ABD, DGK, HMS, MTB, SBL, ________, … is:

48 / 50

48. The problem of ‘research ethics’ is concerned with which aspect of research activities?

49 / 50

49. Which of the following statements are correct about gender budgeting?

(a) It is separates budget addressing the specific needs of women.

(b) It assesses the impact of government budget on women.

(c) It is an accounting exercise.

(d) It is another budgeting innovation.

Select the correct answer from the code given below:

50 / 50

50. In the two sets given below Set –I indicates methods of teaching while Set –II provides the basic requirements for success/effectiveness. Match the two sets and indicate your answer by choosing from the code:

Set – I (Method of teaching)

(a) Lecturing

(b) Discussion in groups

(c) Brainstorming

(d) Programmed Instructional procedure

Set – II (Basic requirements for success/effectiveness)

(i) Small step presentation with feedback provided

(ii) Production of large number of ideas

(iii) Content delivery in a lucid language

(iv) Use of teaching-aids

(v) Theme based interaction among participants

Set – I (Method of teaching)Set – II (Basic requirements for success/effectiveness)
(a) Lecturing(i) Small step presentation with feedback provided
(b) Discussion in groups(ii) Production of large number of ideas
(c) Brainstorming(iii) Content delivery in a lucid language
(d) Programmed Instructional procedure(iv) Use of teaching-aids
(v) Theme based interaction among participants


(a) (b) (c)(d)

Your score is

The average score is 39%


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Created by Nabarun Academy
Best Geography Coaching Centre in Kolkata


1 / 100

1. The direction of a horizontal line on an inclined rock strata is termed as:


2 / 100

2. Which one of the following dates is correct for the normal withdrawal of south-west monsoon from Indian Territory?

3 / 100

3. Which one of the following latitudes s known as the ‘Calms of Cancer’?


4 / 100

4. Which one of the following instrument is used for determination of degree of stability or instability of an air parcel?


5 / 100

5. Which one of the followings is the main source for a vast reservoir of relatively inert nitrogen in homosphere?



6 / 100

6. The subsidence theory related to the coral reef was propounded by:

7 / 100

7. Which one of the following in the correct sequences of German geographers contributing to the developemnt of geographical thought?


8 / 100

8. Which one of the following is correct sequences of various EMR spectrum bands in an ascending order of wavelength?

9 / 100

9. Jharkhand ranks third after which one of the following group of states in the availability of coal reserves in India?

10 / 100

10. Which one of the following statements is not correct about the selection indicators for conducting any study of development process?

11 / 100

11. Match the List-I with List – II and select the correct answer from the code given below:

List-I (Names of Books)  

(a) Human Universals

(b) The Social Conquest of the Earth

(c) Not by Gene Alone

(d) Coevolution

List-II (Names of Authors)

(i) W.H. Durham

(ii) Donald E. Brown

(iii) Edward O-Wilson

12 / 100

12. Read the following statements and select the correct answer using the code giver below:

(a) Summation of ranks method is best suited to measure development levels, when data used are highly skewed

(b) Summation of ranks method is quite simple and easy to handle

(c) Z-score method is the robust and most reliable among all the methods used to measure levels of development

(d) Use of Principal Component Analysis method should be avoided if inter-correlation among different components of development weak or doubtful

13 / 100

13. The book ‘Geography of Peace’ is authored written by:

14 / 100

14. Who among the following architect-planner prepared Master Plan for Chandigrah City?

15 / 100

15. The Rimmer model for the development of land transport system in less developed economics was proposd in which of the following years?

16 / 100

16.  Which one of the following statements is not true about the concept of developmnt?

17 / 100

17. The present is the key to the past.” This phase is related to the concept of:


18 / 100

18. Match the List-I with List – II and select the correct answer from the code given below:

List – I (Settlement Alignment)

List – II (Settlement Pattern)

(i) Uniform

(ii) Star Shaped

(iii) Linear

(iv) Cluster


19 / 100

19. Match the List-I with List – II and select the correct answer from the code given below:

List-I  (Map Type)                     

(a) Chorochromatic

(b) Choroschematic

(c) Choropleth

(d) Isopleth

List-II (Information Content)

(i) Showing regional variation in distribution by shades

(ii) areal distribution by Tints

(iii) showing imaginary lines joining places of equal value

(iv) areal distribution by symbols

20 / 100

20. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the code given below:

Assertion (A): The partition of India in 1947 provided an impetus for town planning activities in the country.

Reason (R): Resettlement of displaced persons and providing them employment opportunities created a big opportunity before the town planners to construct new town and make provision of amenities and facilities in existing towns especially in north Indian states.

21 / 100

21. Ice Cryatal Theory related to precipitation was postulated by:

22 / 100

22. Match the List-I with List – II and select the correct answer from the code given below:

List-I (Process)

(a) Decomposition

(b) Transpiration

(c) Respiration

(d) Photosynthesis

List-II (Outcome)

(i) CO2

(ii) O2

(iii) CH4

(iv) Water Vapour

23 / 100

23. Which one of the following countries holds the first rank in commercial dairy farming?

24 / 100

24. Which school of thought first developed the idea of possiblism?


25 / 100

25.  In India how many are the officially recognised languages?

26 / 100

26. Match the List-I with List – II and select the correct answer from the code given below:

List-I  (Force)   

(a) Coriolis

(b) Tidal

(c) Friction

(d) Resisting

List-II (Source)

(i) Earth’s gravity

(ii) Topographic differences

(iii) Static state

(iv) Earth’s rotation


27 / 100

27. “The dominant idea of all geographical progress is that of terrestrial unity”. This statement is attributed to:


28 / 100

28. Match the List-I with List – II and select the correct answer from the code given below:

List-I (Name of Dams)                

(a) Mayurkashi

(b) Mettur

(c) Nagarjunasagar

(d) Hirakud

List-II (States)

(i) Tamil Nadu

(ii) Andhra Pradesh

(iii) Odisha

29 / 100

29. Which one of the following is correct sequences of various EMR spectrum bands in an ascending order of wavelength?

30 / 100

30. Peternoster Lakes are:


31 / 100

31. Match the List-I with List – II and select the correct answer from the code given below:

List-I (Country)                        

(a) Luxembourg

(b) Algeria

(c) Chile

(d) Kazakistan

List-II (Official Language)

(i) Arabic

(ii) Russian

(iii) French

(iv) Spanish

32 / 100

32. Match the List-I with List – II and select the correct answer from the code given below:

List-I (Sectors of the Economy)      

(a) Primary

(b) Secondary

(c) Tertiary

(d) Quaternary

List-II (Activities)

(i) Research endavours

(ii) Train services

(iii) Pearl culture

(iv) Spinning cotton year

33 / 100

33. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the code given below:

Assertion (A): The monsoon of southern and eastern Asia driven by the location and size of the Asian landmass and it

Reason (R): The wind and pressure patterns in the upper air circulation are associated with generation of monsoonal flows.

34 / 100

34. Which one of the following scales is correctly measure the rank-size distribution of settlements?

35 / 100

35. The U.N. Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro during June 3- 14, 1992 was chaired by:

36 / 100

36. Which one of the following sequences is the correct one in a littoral zone from land to sea?

37 / 100

37. Which one of the followings is the correct average range of worldwide variations is sea water salinity?

38 / 100

38. Match the List-I with List – II and select the correct answer from the code given below:

List-I (Countires)          

(a) Liberia

(b) Guinea

(c) Togo

(d) Niger

List-II (Mineral Reserve)

(i) Argentina

(ii) Sri Lanka

(iii) New Zealand

(iv) Mangolia

39 / 100

39. Read the following statements and select the correct answer using the code given below:

(1) A perspective plan may also be termed as long term plan

(2) Perspective plans are prepared for a period of 20-25 years

(3) A perspective plan do not ensure flexibility

(4) Perspective plan ensure spatial integration of plans at different hierarchical levels.

40 / 100

40. Which one of the following statements is not true about the concept of developmnt?

41 / 100

41. The concept of panplan was propagated by:


42 / 100

42. Among the following scholars, who introduced the concept of ‘Least-Transport-Cost Location’ using the frame of ‘Location triangle’?

43 / 100

43. Match the List-I with List – II and select the correct answer from the code given below:

List-I  (Instrument)

(i) Soil density

(ii) Radiant energy

(iii) Relative Humidity

(iv) Distance

44 / 100

44. Which of the following characteristic features are possessed by the Nordic race of India?

45 / 100

45. A set of sample of 20 places of mean annual rainfall were randomly selected from a normally distributed universe that has mean rainfall of 320 cm. The sample mean was recorded 250 cm with standard of 150 cm. Which one of the following significance tests is correct for the selected samples?

46 / 100

46. The term ‘Cosmography’ was coined and divided into ‘Uranography’ and Geography by:

47 / 100

47. Which one of the following groups of natural elements in living matters make up more than 99% of Earth’s biomass?

48 / 100


Match the List-I with List – II and select the correct answer from the code given below:

List-I (Country)                        

(a) Luxembourg

(b) Algeria

(c) Chile

(d) Kazakistan

List-II (Official Language)

(i) Arabic

(ii) Russian

(iii) French

(iv) Spanish

49 / 100

49. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the code given below:

Assertion (A): In low latitudes, sea water in the deep cold zone does not freeze.

Reason (R): The deep sea water does not remain under intense pressure because of its high salinity.

50 / 100

50. Which one of the following criteria was used to delineate the National Capital Region for planning purpose?

51 / 100

51. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the code given below:

Assertion (A): Energy flow shifts from production to respiration in the entrophic stage, with oxygen demand exceeding oxygen availability.

Reason (R): Stratospheric ozone layer depletion causes skin diseases.

52 / 100

52.  Read the following statements and select the correct answer using the code given below:

(1) A perspective plan may also be termed as long term plan

(2) Perspective plans are prepared for a period of 20-25 years

(3) A perspective plan do not ensure flexibility

(4) Perspective plan ensure spatial integration of plans at different hierarchical levels.


53 / 100

53. ‘The same environment carries different meanings to people with different ways of living and culture’. This statement is related to which one of the following concepts?



54 / 100

54. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the code given below:

Assertion (A): Radars are considered active sensors.

Reason (R): These sensors detect objects and their ranges using radio waves.


55 / 100

55. Whose works epitomized the relationship or political geography with foreign policy?

56 / 100

56. Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh is known for which one of the following are deposits?

57 / 100

57. Which one of the following states in India recored the lowest sex ratio as per 2011 census?

58 / 100

58. Which one of the following statements indicates to the potential use of a service at a location according to Gravity Model?

59 / 100

59. Match the List-I with List – II and select the correct answer from the code given below:

List-I (Dimension of development)              

(a) Economic

(b) Social

(c) Political

(d) Ecological and Environmental

List-II (Indicator of development)

(i) Percentage of reclaimed land to total waste land

(ii) Percentage of minority voters to total minority electors

(iii) Percentage of female literates to total female population

(iv) Agriculture production per hectare

60 / 100

60. Match the List-I with List – II and select the correct answer from the code given below:

List-I (Demographic terms)                  

(a) Cohart

(b) Natural increase

(c) Total fertlity rate

(d) Dependency ratio

List-II (Explanation)

(i) birth rate minus deah rate

(ii) A population group unified by a specific common characteristic

(iii) Average number of children that a woman will bear through her child bearing years

(iv) Measure in terms of number of dependants against productive age groups

61 / 100

61. The concept of geosyncline was propounded by:

62 / 100

62. In which one of the following book/work did Mackinder in 1919 renamed his theory of ‘pivot area’ as ‘Heartland’?

63 / 100

63. Which one of the following conditions Alfred Weber introduced in his concept of ‘Locational Triangle’?

64 / 100

64. The American climotologist C.W.Thornthwaite revised the scheme of the classification of world climates in which one of the following years?

65 / 100

65. Which one among the following perspectives was responsible for radical transformation in the sprit and purpose of geography?

66 / 100


  1. Which one of the following factors most dominants in the selections of high- tech firms of Silicon Valley in California?

67 / 100

67. Match the List-I with List – II and select the correct answer from the code given below:

List-I (Name of City)                  

(a) Kanchipuram

(b) Jaisalmer

(c) Kodaikanal

(d) Bhilai

List-II (Period of being planned)

(i) Post-Independence

(ii) Colonial

(iii) Medieval

(iv) Ancient

68 / 100

68. Which one of the following organisations looks after the receiving and processing of remote sensing data in India?

69 / 100

69. Which one of the following code is correctly depicting the pattern of distribution of population among cities by ‘d’ curve in the given graph?

Binary graph


70 / 100

70. Which one of the following countries recorded highest population density as per U.N. Demographic Year Book, 2010?

71 / 100

71. In a frequency distribution of X series having 6 integers wth missing one, Xi, among them, the parameters of calculating mean, X̅, are as ∑fx = 370 (excluding frequency of missing Xi which is fi=10) ∑f=58 (including frequency of missing integer) and  = 7.586. Which one of the following inters is approximately correct for missing Xi?

72 / 100

72. Which one of the following groups of states in Indian recorded Sex Ratio higher than 950 according to year 2011 census?

73 / 100

73. Gutenberg discontinuity is found between the:

74 / 100

74. In which of the following directions the Nazca Plate is moving?


75 / 100

75.  The Organic Theory of state was propounded by:

76 / 100

76. Match the List-I with List – II and select the correct answer from the code given below:

List-I (Name of scholars developed scheme For delineation of planning regions)          

(a) Bhat and Prakasarao

(b) P. Sengupta

(c) C.S Chandrasekhar

(d) V. Nath

List-II (Period of being planned)

(i) 42

(ii) 35

(iii) 48

(iv) 51


77 / 100

77. Match the List-I with List – II and select the correct answer from the code given below:

 List-I (Ocean Trench)               

(a) Tonga

(b) Kuril Kamchatka

(c) Philippine

(d) Romanche

List-II (Depth in meters)

(i) 7760

(ii) 10540

(iii) 10880

(iv) 10500

78 / 100

78. Which one of the following groups of states of India recorded more than one fourth of total population of the country in the census year 2011?

79 / 100

79. Which one of the following years the modern cotton textile mill was first of all established in Maharashtra?

80 / 100

80. The formulaENYEDI AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITYwhere PI= Agricultural Productivity Index; Y= Total production of selected crops in unit area; Yn= Total production of same selected crops at national level; T= Total cropped area of the unit; Tn = Total cropped area at national scale.

81 / 100


Which one of the following criteria was used to demarcate 15 agroclimatic regions, which were accepted by the Planning Commission of India (now NITI Aayog) to initiate regional approach to agricultural planning during the eighth Five-Year Plan?

82 / 100

82. The Hydraulic Slope Theory was propunded by:

83 / 100

83. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the code given below:

Assertion (A): Radars are considered active sensors.

Reason (R): These sensors detect objects and their ranges using radio waves.


84 / 100

84. Which one of the following statements correctly depicts the threshold according to Central Place Model?

85 / 100

85. Which of the following catagories does Chile belong to its physical shape?

86 / 100

86. Which of the following pairs does not match?

Authors                     Book

87 / 100

87. Match the List-I with List – II and select the correct answer from the code given below:

List-I (Whitlessey’ Agricultural Religions)       

(a) Commercial Dairy Farming

(b) Commercial Grain Farming

(c) Nomadic Herding

(d) Commericial Plantations

List-II (Name of Countries)

(i)  Argentina

(ii) Sri Lanka

(iii) New Zealand

(iv) Mangolia

88 / 100

88. Match the List-I with List – II and select the correct answer from the code given below:

List-I (Economy)                                           

(a) Subsistence Economy

(b) Commercial Economy

(c) Intensive Subsistence Economy

(d) Extensive Subsistence Economy

List-II (Features)

(i) Market competition as primary force shaping the production patterns

(ii) Self-sufficiency, low production an low population density

(iii) Self-sufficiency, high production and high population density

(iv) Little exchange of goods and only limited need for markets

89 / 100

89. Match the List-I with List – II and select the correct answer from the code given below:

List-I (Emitter) 

(a) Decaying plants

(b) Volcanoes

(c) Oceans

(d) Forest fires

List-II (Emitted Products)

(i) Carbon monoxide

(ii) Salt spray

(iii) Hydrogen sulphide

(iv) Sulfur oxides

90 / 100

90. Adityapur Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is fasmous for:

91 / 100

91. Which one of the following code is correct Rn value of the given distribution of 6 settlements of an area of gentle topography?

92 / 100

92. Which one of the following equations represents a true mathematical characteristics of mean?

93 / 100

93. On a topographical map of 1:50,000 scale the contour interval is given as 10 meters. Place ‘A’ is situated on a contour of 200 m MSL and another place ‘B’ is located on a contour of 240m MSL. The distance between ‘A’ and ‘B’ on the map is 4.0 cms. The correct gradiant between ‘A’ and ‘B’ therefore would be:

94 / 100

94. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the code given below:

Assertion (A): India has not been able to bridge its trade deficity.

Reason (R): India’s exports in terms of value has been declining.

95 / 100

95. Match the List-I with List – II and select the correct answer from the code given below:

List-I (Thornthwait’s Temperature Provinces)       

(a) Mesothermal

(b) Microthermal

(c) Taiga

(d) Tundra

List-II (T/E Index Values)

(i) 16-31

(ii) 1-15

(iii) 64-127

(iv) 32-63

96 / 100

96. Which one of the following Models is explained by the given figure below?threshold concept christaller model

97 / 100

97. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the code given below:

Assertion (A): Antartica is constantly snow-covered but receives less than 8cm annual precipitatiuon.

Reason (R): Constant speedy wind blow in Antarctica.



98 / 100

98. Which of the following scholars is the proponent of the turbidity current theory on origin of submarine canyons?


99 / 100

99. Who among the following scholars laid down the foundation of dichotomy of general versus special geography?

100 / 100

100. Who among the following scholars emphasized on the Behavioural Approach in Geography?

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