Economic and Regional Geography
classification of economic activites
Population and Settlement Geography
The study of the spatial variations in the distribution, composition, migration, and growth of population and how they are related to the nature of places. Acc. To Trewartha ” The essence od population geography lies in the understanding of regional differences in the earth’s covering of people.” John I. Clarke ” Population geography is concemed …
scope of oceanography This branch of climatology is concernd with the scope of the oceanographical knowledge to practical problem of the oceans It analysis the relationship of oceanography to other sciences. The main purpose is to find out the ways and means to make use of our knowledge for the betterment of human life and …
Atmospheric composition: The effective atmosphere is up to the height of 30 km. I. Gases: Nitrogen (78.08%) and Oxygen (20.95%) are the chief components of the totalgaseous composition of the atmosphere. The remaining 1% is represented by Argon(0.93%), Carbon dioxide (0.03%), Neon (0.0018%), Ozone (0.00006%), Helium(0.00005%), Krypton, Xenon, Methane and water vapour. The vapour …
P.G Worcester (1940) preferred of define geomorphology as the interpretative description of the relief features of the earth’s surface while W.D Thornbury (1954) pleaded for the inclusion of submarine forms in addition to surface reliefs in the realm of geomorphology. A.L Bloom (1979) also defined geomorphology as the systematic description and analysis of landscape and …
The December 2019 UGC NET examination in Geography will consists of two question papers i.e. paper-1 and paper-2 through Computer Based Test (CBT). The UGC NET/ JRF syllabus in Geography was last revised in June 2019 and the current NET / SET / JRF examination will be based on the new syllabus only. The paper-1 …
Rocks and Minerals
Why NABARUN ACADEMY?We at the NABARUN ACADEMY are committed to provide a quality based education and most competent courses for our students, so that they can easily and confidently compete in the present scenario. We’re focused to enhanced both technical/practical and professional quality of our students’. We are committed to provide a healthy and competitive …
GIS & Remote Sensing (Geoinformatics)
The modern world GIS & Remote sensing service is on the rise day by day. Now this field of study is a multidisciplinary one. It covers the various aspects of Geography, Geology, and informatics. This course offers a wide scope with accelerated growth and development prospects. COURSE -I COMPUTER APPLICATION IN GEOGRAPHY Introduction of computer, …